Lexington Kentucky Area Happenings

2015 Calendar of Events ...
February-15 Third Friday Gallery Hop www.galleryhoplex.com
March 6-8 Bluegrass Trust Antiques & Garden Show Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
March 13-14 Harness Horse FestivalKentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
March 26-28 Bluegrass Half MarathonOld Frankfort Pike www.runthebluegrass.org
March 26-29 Road to the Horse 12th AnniversaryKentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
April 3-24 Spring Race Meets Keeneland www.keeneland.com
April 4-5 KY Daffodil Show Daffodil & Bulb Society www.wilsonjh.org/kdabs
April 4-5 Spring Bay Horse Trials Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
April 9-11Spring Premier Classic Saddlebred Show Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
April 11-12 Bluegrass Open USMGA Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
April-15 Jockey Autograph Signing Keeneland www.keeneland.com
April-15 Third Friday Gallery Hop www.galleryhoplex.com
April 23-26 Rolex Race Meet Keeneland www.keeneland.com
April 25-26 KY Bourbon Festival Kick Off Bardstown www.kybourbonfestival.com
May-15 Kentucky Oaks Churchill Downs www.churchilldowns.com
May-15 Kentucky DerbyChurchill Downs www.churchilldowns.com
May 1-2 Mountain Saddle Horse ShowKentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
May 1-3 Lincoln-Douglas Debate Championship University of Kentucky
May 6-10 Spring Horse Show Hunter/Jumper Part 1 Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
May-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
May-15 48th Annual Iris Show Bluegrass Iris Society www.bluegrassiris.org
May-15 Mayfest Arts FairLexington www.downtownlex.com
May 13-17 Spring Horse Show Hunter/Jumper Part 2 Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
May-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
May 22-24 May Daze Horse Trials Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
May 22-24 KY Dressage Assn. Spring Warm UP Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
May 23-24 Horsey Hundred Georgetown College www.horseyhundred.com
May 28-31 Spring Fling Carriage Drive Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
May-15 Spring Garden Tour & Plant Sale Woodford Co. Woman's Club wcwcky@yahoo.com
June - August Farmers' Market (weekends) Lexington www.lexingtonfarmersmarket.com
June-15 Bourbon Women's Flavor Affair KY Governor's Mansion www.bourbonwomen.org
June-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
June 5-7 Festival of the BluegrassLexington www.festivalofthebluegrass.com
June-15 Palate & Flavor Appreciation Training Woodford Reserve www.kybourbonaffair.com
June 6-7 Bluegrass Living Garden Tour Lexington Council Garden Club lrobbransdell@yahoo.com
June-15Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
June 12-14 Broadway Medley Part One UK Opera Theatre www.ukoperatheatre.org
June-15 Garden Tour of Frankfort Garden Club of Frankfort
June-1512th Annual Blooming Bardstown Tour KY Home Master Gardeners
June-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington- Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
June-15 Third Friday Gallery HopLexington www.galleryhoplex.com
June 19-21 Broadway Medley Part Two UK Opera Theatre www.ukoperatheatre.org
June-15Thursday Evening ConcertsLexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
July - August Farmers' Market (weekends) Lexington www.lexingtonfarmersmarket.com
July-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington- Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
July 3-5 Extended Fourth of July Festivities Lexington www.downtownlex.com
July-15 Concert in the Garden Wallis Arboretum, Paris, KY
July-15 Racehorse Summit VI Welfare & Safety Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
July-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington- Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
July-15Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
July-15 Concourse D'Elegance Keeneland www.keeneland.com
July-15 Thursday Evening Concerts Lexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
July-15 Thursday Evening ConcertsLexington - Cheapside Park www.downtownlex.com
August Farmers' Market (weekends) Lexington www.lexingtonfarmersmarket.com
August-15 A Midsummer Night 5K Run Lexington www.amidsummer5k.com
August 15-16Woodland Arts Fair 40th Anniversary Lexington - Woodland Park www.lexingtonartleague.org
September 11-13 Roots Heritage Festival & Ball Lexington www.rootsfestky.com
September 15-20 KY Bourbon Festival Bardstown www.kybourbonfestival.com
############Third Friday Gallery HopLexington www.galleryhoplex.com
September 18-19 Festival Latino de Lexington Lexington www.lexky.gov
October 2-31 Fall Race MeetsKeeneland www.keeneland.com
October 30-31 Breeder's Cup World Championships Keeneland www.breederscup.com
November 2-14 Breeding Stock Sale Keeneland www.keeneland.com
November 18-30 Southern Lights Kentucky Horse Park www.kyhorsepark.com
############Third Friday Gallery Hop Lexington www.galleryhoplex.com
December 1-31 Southern Lights www.kyhorsepark.com
December-15 Lexington Christmas Parade Lexington www.downtownlex.com