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“May your day be touched by a bit of Irish luck; brightened by a song in your heart; and warmed by the smiles of the people you love!”

Innkeeper, Pamela Byrne Riley, is first generation American-born of Irish ancestry and St. Patrick’s Day is special! The special thoughts and blessings of the day; the music; the dancing; the poetry; and last, but not the least bit least - the food.

Popular Irish foods lend themselves to populating both the inn’s breakfast and afternoon refreshments menus. Throughout the month guests will have the option of “The Irish Fry” – bacon, eggs, mushrooms, fried tomatoes and of course, homemade Irish Soda Bread or Pamela’s light and airy current scones served with Irish butter and a choice of marmalade or strawberry preserves.

The soda bread is magic made with flour, buttermilk, and baking soda with a cross cut in the center of the loaf prior to baking to keep the fairies out.

Appearing on the afternoon dessert menu guests may find an apple tart – Ireland’s answer to America’s apple pie or a deep dark chocolate cupcake version with a Kentucky twist – in lieu of the traditional Guiness, Pamela has replaced it with a generous splash of Kentucky Honey Bourbon and a drizzle of Bourbon Cream in the frosting in place of Bailey’s Irish Cream.

Charred Oaks Inn, a Select Registry bed and breakfast, located on the west side of Lexington, Kentucky is open year-round. A made-to-order breakfast along with a choice of an Afternoon Tea or a French Picnic Basket is included in the stay. Breakfast is served daily from 8AM – 10AM and afternoon refreshments are available from 3PM until 7PM.

Reservations must be made in advance.


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Charred Oaks Inn

341 Lexington Street

Versailles, KY  40383


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